Thursday, February 19, 2009

increase in prices

hi everyone,
please take note, from now onwards prices will increase for the wire names as the prices for the wires have increases.

so for the 1mm wire,
1-4 letters- $3.50
5-8 letters-$4.50
9 letters onwards additional 30 cents per letter.
for 3mm wire,
1-4 letters-$4.50
5-8 letters-$5.50
9 letters onwards additional 50 cents per letter.

all promotions have end.
new promotion :
#1 - one name pen and one wire name  for $11
#2 - one 3mm wire + one 1mm wire  for $7.50 (in one chain)

if u buy more than 30 there will be 10% off.

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